Some exciting news from Team Jonesy!

We are expecting our 1st baby this fall!

It’s been an experience these past 5 months trying to navigate my 1st pregnancy, balancing a growing work calendar, and keeping up with every day life.  

People have been asking what my plan is with SBMJ now with baby on the way. Well this business is my 1st baby, so for me, business as usual – belly and all! There’s been a few challenges — i.e. getting out of breath when walking up and down stairs during closet cleanses, carrying bags and boxes when personal shopping, writers block, distractions, and extreme tiredness during my 1st trimester, and then pregnancy brain (it’s a real thing!!!).  But for the most part, my full client calendar has allowed me to stay busy, active, and keep my mind off of other stresses and worries of this little babe.  

I’m super excited to share this news and journey with all of you and I appreciate all the support and kind words you’ve all thrown our way!  Baby Bird isn’t even here yet and he can already feel the love.  

Much love and gratitude,
Michelle & Baby Bird

Photo Cred: Jacqueline Barkley Photography

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